CarbonBee – revolutionary solution for selective spraying
One of the novelties that came directly from SIMA 2023 in Bulgaria is the revolutionary solution for selective spraying from the French technology company CarbonBee, which until now was only known as an additional option for Berthoud self-propelled sprayers.
CarbonBee’s SmartStriker is perhaps the world’s most advanced smart selective spraying system, which is now compatible with multiple makes and models of sprayers, whether self-propelled, trailed or mounted.
Селективно пръскане CarbonBeeThe system serves to detect and treat weeds and biomass in real time and is compatible with different makes and models of sprayers and can be retrofitted. SmartStriker TM reduces the amount of crop protection products applied in the field.
It works in three modes: Green on Brown and Green on Green, which recognize weeds in the field, respectively in the absence and presence of green mass of the main crop, as well as a new Nitrogen Control mode, which serves to determine the need to introduce liquid nitrogen fertilizer (e.g. UAN) in crops in advanced vegetation.
The SmartStriker system is universal and available for multiple brands with an advanced second-generation sensor weighing under 500g and an algorithm that learns quickly and adapts to field conditions
For more information and price quotation, please contact us!